
Metal Detecting world Championship thanks Minelab for coming on Board.

The Goal was to get everyone together for a great time including as many of the Detector companies as we could. Mission accomplished with the addition of Minelab.

I would like to personally thank Minelab for becoming involved in The Metal Detecting World Championship.

As so many of our entrants will be using their machines its great to see them Jump onboard and support those users by being there.

As we all Know Minelab have dominated the Australian market for quite sometime so to have them help us out is awesome. They have asked for some space and that has been granted.

It seems they have embraced our “Do something Interactive” ethos and have almost 200 square metres to play with.

The details will be finalised, But they are on board and along with Garrett US and Garrett Australia we now have the Biggest and the best metal detecting manufacturers in the world involved.

This represents the 7th Brand to come on Board so on the day you’ll have the unique opportunity to test out as many machines as you can, side by side!

So make sure you grab your early bird Ticket Via the Ticketing Link and get involved, Just like Minelab Have!

A big thanks to the management and Team at Minelab.



2 replies on “Metal Detecting world Championship thanks Minelab for coming on Board.”

Hi Clegy

We haven’t bought our ticket as yet but will do.

Remember the Companies are now EXHIBITORS now. Need to change on this site.

Speak soon and very exciting. Thanks Steve and Kerry

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