G’day Folks,
A New version of the Program is UP Now, It has had a few things added and one or 2 things have disappeared.
Main Changes:
Each Day of the event has a certain Feel to it.
- Friday Is set Up/Get to know each other Day
- Saturday Is serious Competition Day
- Sunday is a recreational Detect and wind down
- Monday Its Home day.
So the things happening on each day are along the lines of that days Feel. We felt that by putting all the serious stuff on the same day, we could loosen up a bit on Sunday and Just enjoy the Hobby and whats on without any pressure to perform.
You can Grab the latest Program at the link below, There is a downloadable Version available at the bottom of the program Page.
Its still a growing document but that’s the main Gist of the weekend and how things will play out bar some minor timing changes, Maybe.
Thanks so Much for your Support for this amazingly Huge event.
See you at the Championship mate!