The 2022 MDWC Flyer has been released and is available to download and print.
Just like 2019, we will hold a competition via social media for those that share the flyer around the old gfashioned way.
Simply download a nd print the flyer, Head to a local notice board or ask a local business in your area if you can put the flyer up.
Tale a selfie with the flyer in the background, give the business a plug too by holding up their sign or card. Post it on the MDWC Facebook page and be ready to get called out on one of our live feeds.
Pretty simple really and we will have some great prizes on offer including free tickets to the MDWC!
It was a sunny day In 2019 when we held the first ever Metal Detecting world championship (MDWC) at Mitchell Creek In Queensland. Well there was that Lightening storm in the arvo, that made for a great sound and light show in the valley. But hey no one was injured……LOL
2020 and 2021 where right offs, Lets just leave that there.
2022 came around and the enquiries started pretty early, will the MDWC be held and if so where and when?
Since 2019 my business has changed a lot. Some idiot decided to move the business from QLD to NSW just a few months before a Global Pandemic. But we are on the other side now and the business and myself made it. But we had a new home base so with a pro’s and con’s list in hand I made the decision to move the championship to Windeyer in NSW. Just near Mudgee.
Why the move has been one of the biggest questions asked and quite frankly the answer is very simple. CENTRALISATION is the big word, But we just wanted the MDWC to be closer to more people. That’s all.
Now the decision was made but it had been made late and the scramble began to try and put an Event together.
Now this is where it gets exciting for me.
Because of awesome people, Just like you reading this article, It took me all of 6 Hours to have Garrett On Board and then 2 days after that Minelab came on board. YOUR Support in 2019mmade organising 2022 easy as!! Thanks legends!!!
We added a $20,000 Gold bar from Aussie Detectorist, XP Metal Detectors, Tyger stainless and the mad bunch at IB6UB9 and within no time the basis of an event was formed.
The town of Windeyer has been more than welcoming for us and we have literally taken over the entire town for the weekend. Well the Pub, The caravan park and the Oval anyway which in reality is the town.
The Progess association will be your breakfast and lunch providers for the weekend. Rather than have catering vans etc we went for good ole authentic country cooking.
Saturday Night is the main Dinner and I hope you all attend. A feast cooked by the locals and including a home made desert.
So there it was, in a Few short weeks we had organised the ENTIRE MDWC and again made it Australia’s Premier celebration of Metal Detecting as a hobby.
So Now begins a few months of worrying if I can actually do this, Panicing for no reason and some uncontrollable shaking. Mostly on thursdays??
NOT TRUE, Organising this event is an absolute pleasure and when you have people like the awesome Mark Richards from Metal Detecting Country NSW and Andrew Mason from XP Metal detectors and the prez of the CQ detectorists club offering help, you know your laughing.
The Tokens are in hand.
The sponsors are Pumped and I wish I could reveal everything they are doing for us over the weekend. But that will be leaked at a later date.
The Locals are looking forward to it and with the team up with LAMB fest there will beplenty to see and do.
The detecting community has respponded with record early ticket sales and it looks like we will sell the event out for the first time.
The Hard work has been done, well sort of and the MDWC is getting closer by the day.
Book your tickets Now, we are friendly so if things change we understand and we can help get you refunds or transfer your tickets.
Lastly I just want to quickly explain what the MDWC is all about as funnily I get asked, “Why did you do this” More than I am comfortable with. LOL
So the MDWC is a celebration of metakl detecting as a hobby, thats’ it. I don’t allow one brand or one manufacturer to be the main sponsor. Each and every company that operates in our industry has equal chance to showcase themselves.
On the weekend of the MDWC we celebrate the detecting community and YOU the detectorist. It’s all about those of use that make a living fromn the hobby giving something back to the communtiy that supports us so well.
Quite literally, without the Australian Detecting community I couldn’t pay my bills and its the same for every other company that is involved in the MDWC.
Thanks for your support for the event so far and I look forward to seeing you in Windeyer in October.
It is with Great Excitement that we can confirm the attendance of Minelab on a corporate level at the MDWC in 2022.
The MDWC is held in NSW at Windeyer, Near Mudgee and usually this would be Aussie Detectorist’s time to display and showcase the Minelab product lineup.
BUT, Minelab said “Step aside young fella, we got this” and have decided to bring the full minelab experience to the MDWC.
Now I can’t let the entire Cat out of the Bag Just YET, but lets say you’ll have a chance to learn more about your current minelab machine than at any other time.
At the first MDWC Minelab had a huge display and the Massive Vanquish V made its appearence.
This year in 2022, who knows what will happen, well I actually know and its pretty cool.
So a Big thanks to MINELAB and to say thankyou to you guys Minelab have thrown a GPX 6000 into the main Prize Draw!
YEP a GPX 6000 and that’s just one of the Minelab Prizes.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to meet and greet people from the industry that they only let out once mayb twice a year.
Cheers Minelab
You could WIN a Minelab GPX 6000 By being a competitor or by buying a spectators ticket at the MDWC 2022